The control-pad for other machines , 20936th 1995/12/21 UPDATED

  1. SNES

    • Pin assign

    • (counting from arc edge)
      #  name              description
      1. GND
      2. ?
      3. ?
      4. DATA              data(i)
      5. P/S               shift/load signal(o)
      6. CLOCK             shift clock(o)
      7. Vcc(5V)

    • communication format

    • this is serial communication with syncronous clock. to transmit, good for use two MC14021.
      SNES's data table (shift direction:right, PushDown = Lo)
      |DataPosition|  A  |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |
      |First       |Right|Left|Down| Up |Sta |Sel |  Y |  B |
      |Second      |  1  |  1 |  1 |  1 |  R |  L |  X |  A |
      NES's data table(one MC14021)
      |DataPosition|  A  |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |
      |First       |Right|Left|Down| Up |Sta |Sel |  A |  B |

  2. Sega MegaDrive

    • Pin assign(D-SUB9P)

    • #  Name        Description
      1. Up          PushDown = Lo
      2. Down 
      3. Left(Lo)    page controled by signal of DS.
      4. Right(Lo)
      5. Vcc(5V)
      6. B(A)
      7. DS          '0' means select in '()'.
      8. GND
      9. C(Sta) 


    • Pin assign(Mini DIN 8P)

    • #  name        Description
      1. Vcc +5V
      2. Up(B)       PushDown = Lo
      3. Right(A)    page controled by signal of DS.
      4. Down(Sel)
      5. Left(Sta)
      6. B(A)
      6. DS          '0' means select in '()'
      8. GND

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