Keywords: Beat Mania BM PIC PIC16F84 convterter PSX MIDI

PSX controler to PC MIDI converter

Copyright(C)1998 H.Kashima , 114240th 1999/10/05 UPDATED

Kashi's BBS(japanese)

  1. introduction
  2. Let's play PC games on PSX PAD!

  3. Schematics
  4. converter uses PIC16F84 controler chip and 5 volt power driven. PlayStaion is 3.3 volt, it will no problem?? ha ha ha..

    Schematic Diagram

  5. Assemble
  6. photo snaps

    we will can not get PlayStation type female connectors. I recommended that cut the PS controler extention cable.

    parts list
    IC       PIC16F84-10         1       800yen
    XTAL     8.000MHz ceramic    1        30
    LED      TLG104 or           1        10
    C        0.1uF               1        10
    R        330 ohm             1        10
             2.2K ohm            1        10
             1K ohm              2        20
    Universal PCB
             ICB-90 or           1        90
    wire     4 lines             1m      150
             15P D-SUB male+case 1       190
             PS extention cable  2m      600
    case     SW-55 or            1       100
    etc.     gum bush            3        30
                                total  2,050yen
    PCB artwork

  7. Operation and Specifications
  8. the converter makes MIDI code from PSX pad data.

    the converter can change convertion mode at key push down with power up. with START button on any controler, into MIDI Exclusive dump mode. with the "X" mark button on standard controler, into liner(all) key mapped mode. with the squere mark button on standard controler, into the TypeMania compatible mode.

    LED has four times blink, if mode reset was successful. reseted mode is write to NV memory.

    and the LED mark means when sending MIDI data.

    • TypeMania compatible mode(default)
      Playstaion key         MIDI information
      UP                   Control Change #0x42, value 0x7f(when release button 0x00)
      DOWN                 Control Change #0x42, value 0x7f(when release 0x00)
      SQUEARE              NOTE ON #0x3c(note C3), when release button: NOTE OFF
      CROSS                NOTE ON #0x3d(note C#3)
      CIRCLE               NOTE ON #0x3e(note D3)
      L1                   NOTE ON #0x3f(note D#3)
      R1                   NOTE ON #0x40(noteE3)
      Playstaion key         MIDI information
      UP                   Control Change #0x40, value 0x7f(when release button 0x00)
      DOWN                 Control Change #0x40, value 0x7f(when release 0x00)
      SQUARE               NOTE ON #0x48(note C4), release: NOTE OFF
      CROSS                NOTE ON #0x49(note C#4)
      CIRCLE               NOTE ON #0x4a(note D4)
      L1                   NOTE ON #0x4b(note D#4)
      R1                   NOTE ON #0x4c(note E4)
    • linear(all) key mapped mode(power up with "CROSS" key)
      NOTE ON mapped from note C3
      @@L2, R2, L1, R1, Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square, 
      @@SELECT, none, none, Start, Up, Right, Down, Left
      NOTE ON mapped from note C5
      @@L2, R2, L1, R1, Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square, 
      @@SELECT, none, none, Start, Up, Right, Down, Left
    • MIDI Exclusive dump mode(with "Start" Key)
      +00       0xf0      MIDI Exclusive ID   
      +01       0x00      maker ID
      +02   1P data[0](bit0 - bit6)
      +03   1P data[2]
      +04   1P data[3]
      +05   1P data[4]
      +06   1P data[5]
      +07   1P data[6]
      +08   1P data[7]
      +09   1P data[0`7] bit7 *1
      +0A   2P data[0](bit0 - bit6)
      +0B   2P data[2]
      +0C   2P data[3]
      +0D   2P data[4]
      +0E   2P data[5]
      +0F   2P data[6]
      +10   2P data[7]
      +11   2P data[0`7] bit7 *1
      +12       0xf7     End of Exclusive
      *1 contents of offset+09 and +11
      | b7 | b6 | b5 | b4 | b3 | b2 | b1 | b0 |
        0   [7]  [6]  [5]  [4]  [3]  [2]  [0]
        all bit7 is collected output, so MIDI code is 7bit length.

  9. Program list
  10. References

  11. E-mail [ๆณจๆ„]ไธ้ฉๆญฃใช้กŒๅใฏๅณๅบงใ‚ดใƒŸ็ฎฑใ€ๅๅ‰ใ‚’ๅไน—ใ‚‰ใฌ่€…ใธใฎ่ฟ”ไบ‹ใฏใ—ใชใ„ไบ‹ใŒใ‚ใ‚Šใพใ™ใ€‚ใƒ•ใƒชใƒผ็ณปใƒกใƒผใƒซใ‹ใ‚‰ใฏ่‡ชๅ‹•็š„ใซๆ‹’็ตถใ™ใ‚‹ๅ ดๅˆใŒใ‚ใ‚Šใพใ™ใ€‚
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