, 45941st | 1998/10/28 UPDATED |
please access to GB-Reader with 115.2Kbps 8bit 1stopbit parity-none in any terminal software.
GB-Reader returns prompt of "gbr>" if communication successfull. LED on the GB-Reader is linked with RESET signal on cartridge. you can remove cartridge safty in LED is black. you can use command in the command prompt.
[ESC] turn off cartridge power(into removable mode). h display help. i print information in cartridge. ir refresh information from cartridge.(Ver1.0b or later) br, bs change bank register in ROM/SRAM. change bank register in ROM/SRAM. [ex.] gbr> br 1e ... ROM bank change to 0x1e gbr> bs a ... SRAM bank change to 0x0a us, ds up/download backup SRAM up/download backup SRAM. transfer time is 2 seconds at the 8KB SRAM. if push ESC key is proccess abort. dl download ROM download ROM data. typical transfer time is about 64 seconds at 512KB if push down ESC key will be abort current proccess. [ex.] gbr> dl 1000 1fff ... download by UUENCODE to 0x1fff from 0x1000 gbr> dl ... download all rd read memory read out memory in cartridge. [ex.] gbr> rd a000 ... read out address of 0xa000. 55 wd write memory write in memory in cartridge. [ex.] gbr> wd 0 a ... write value of 0x0a to address 0x0000. dm dump memory dump value in memory. ESC key effective. [ex.] gbr> dm ... dump memory 128bytes from current adddress. gbr> dm 4000 ... dump memory 128bytes from address 0x4000 gbr> dm 4000 4fff ... dump memory to 0x4fff from 0x4000 cs, cr calculate checksum calculate checksum in current cartridge. please compare value from value in () printed by 'i' command. [ex.] gbr> cr ... calculate checksum for ROM gbr> cs ... calculate checksum for SRAM gbr> cr 4000 4fff ... calculate checksum 0x4000 - 0x4fff
the access is syncronized with signal of CLK 1.078MHz. RD signal is lo-level in normaly, when write operation, change to hi-level. MREQ is lo-level when access to SRAM.
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